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The nice people of de VPRO Gids made me very happy when they allowed me to make the cover for their famous christmas special.
We have been working together for many years, that’s why they know I have a small (->big) muppet obsession, a love we share.. as it turned out.
I was given all the room and trust I needed to come up with the concept ‘the party under the table’, sewing these puppets and collecting all the props. 
It took me ten full days (and a thai massage), but when it all came together photographing the set in Carla van Tijn’s studio I could not have been more thrilled.
The VPRO Gids team turned it into a really special and very goodlooking christmas special, with my muppets making apearances throughout the entire magazine. 
Click on the Prev button to see closeups of some of the muppets!